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kayanee packages information

How do I cancel a booking and receive a refund package?

Step 1 - Is your booking eligible?
If you cancel your booking within the timeframes below, you eligible to receive a pass refund to spend in the future on any activity of the same type and length

Step 2 - Cancel the booking
To proceed, select your booking and in the booking details page, select “Cancel booking”. After confirming the cancellation, you will:

Step 3 - Enjoy the benefits
You are free to redeem your refund pass whenever you choose to book an activity of the same type and length, as long as it has not expired

How do I use a pass?

Step 1 - Check your passes
In the My Passes section of your account, check you have a pass of the same type and length than the activity you want to book.

Step 2 - Choose your activity
View our list of activities in the Book a session page and select the date and time that best suits you, as long as it is of the same type as your pass.

Step 3 - Book with Kayanee Pass
In the activity page choose “Book with a Kayanee Pass”. Provided you have a valid pass available, your pass will be debited and your booking confirmed.

How do I purchase a package of passes?

Step 1 - Browse the packages
From the Kayanee Pass Packages page you can browse all the types of pass packages available.

Step 2 - Choose your activity
Once you have found the pass package type you like, you can select the quantity of passes from 5, 10, 15 or 20 - saving money per pass.

Step 3 - Book with Kayanee Pass
Continue to pay for your package and enjoy the benefits of booking all your favourite Kayanee activities quickly and hassle-free.

Checking and managing passes

You can view and manage any passes, from cancelled bookings and package of passes you purchase, in the My Passes section of your account

As noted above, other terms and conditions governing use of the Services are incorporated herein by reference, including the following terms and conditions:

  • View passes available and when they are valid until (passes expire 1 year from date of original booking)
  • Return unused passes for a monetary refund (Passes are returnable 7 days from original purchase)