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Learn Vision:

An intentional healthy choice of being.

Learn Mission:

To create a collective flow of wellbeing by providing access
to tools, resources and services that enable everyone to own their wellbeing

Learn Objectives:

To explore our being:
The learn unit aims to inspire clients to discover their needs and explore their individual aspirations through a comprehensive wellbeing assessment and workshops to own their transformation journeys.

To define our being:
The learn unit aims to support clients to define their goals through curated workshops, programs and tools and motivate them to start their journeys through Kayanee offerings.

To evolve our being:
The learn unit aims to provide clients with a clear roadmap for wellbeing through access to knowledge and pathways for comprehensive actions across all health dimensions.

To cultivate our collective being:
The learn unit aims to cultivate a community of wellbeing through Kayanee ambassadors to mentor, coach and support each other in their journeys and expand the flow of wellbeing in their communities.

Our definition of wellbeing and health include:

Physical health: The importance of movement, nutrition, sleep, and building habits for a healthy lifestyle.

• Emotional Health: The journey of discovering our purpose and healthily navigate life, spirituality, relationships, work, and community with joy and gratitude.

• Social health: The significant impact of belonging to a community, building meaningful connections, and having a support network.

Financial Health: The imperative of acquiring financial planning and management skills to achieve self- sufficiency.

• Environmental health: The interconnectedness of health and inspiring healthy environments that support wellness.

Learn Offerings:

Being part of Kayanee Learn, you will shift your mindset,intentionally and joyfully make healthier daily choices and contribute to a collective flow of wellness.

Kayanee learn curates inspirational and joyful experiences to help our clients in their quest for healthier intentional choices. A destination where people experience joy, motivation, growth, and a wealth of healthy choices. The Learn Business Unit is an integral part of the Kayanee experience, where movement includes an expansion of the definition of wellbeing, knowledge and skills resulting in a shift in our approaches and paths to intentional healthy choices.

For Individuals:

• 5 dimensions of wellbeing assessment

• Speakers’ series

• Masterclasses

• Coaching

• Wellbeing program

• Wellbeing retreat

For Organizations:
(Corporations, Not for Profit Organizations and Public Institutions)

• Organizational wellbeing program

• Organizational wellbeing retreats

For the Wellbeing sector

• Business of Wellbeing (BOW) Speakers’ series

• Business of Wellbeing (BOW) Masterclasses